A joint symposium from the Textile and Ethnography Groups, to be held in London, May 2024.

The aim of this symposium is to discuss the care, conservation and use of textiles that play a special part in revitalising and inspiring material cultural practices, and to highlight the value of engaging with communities. How can we maintain the link between textile objects and the people, cultures, knowledge, and practices which they embody?

Textiles play a significant part in the values and traditions of many cultures, as well as of local groups, industries, and identities. The commitee hopes to look at the intersection of conservation and community engagement in as broad a way as possible and it welcomes papers that address issues such as:

·           Working with local communities.

·           Working with owners, makers, scholars, artists or users of artefacts. 

·           Changes to outreach and external engagement through and post Covid-19.

·           Material-cultural sensitivities integrated into conservation treatment and processes brought to attention after community engagement e.g. kosher materials, natural materials, conservation retaining certain materials, conservation which acknowledges future use.

·           Novel ways of facilitating and improving access.

·           Makers, artists, and conservators learning from each other's practice for better care of collections and cultural artefacts

The submissions for 20-minute papers and 5-minute "live poster" sessions are welcome. Further details of this will be shared with chosen authors. Abstracts should be no more than 250 words. Please also list the names and short bios of all authors and the contact details for at least one person (email and phone number). Abstracts should be sent to icontextilegroup@gmail.com using the subject line "Spring Symposium Abstract Submission".

The deadline for abstract submission is July 1st 2023. Successful authors will be notified by the end of August 2023. All authors will be asked to submit a preprint of 3000 words by November 30th 2023.

The commitee welcomes submissions from around the world and will be hosting this Symposium as a hybrid event. Those unable to present in person will be asked to record their presentation and submit to the committee by end of April 2024. 

If you have an idea that you wish to run past the team prior to submitting an abstract, please email icontextilegroup@gmail.com FAO Anna Peck.

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