ICOM-CECA is organizing a call for papers for an annual conference the main venue of which will be the Asian Civilisations Museum, one of the national museums in Singapore. 

A proposed theme: “Museums: Shaping the Future of Education”. 

The theme covers the following topics but are not limited to:

1. New technologies or approach for learning

 How can digital access expand learning opportunities and empower audiences?

2. Accessibility

 What models of inclusion can museum educators share?

3. Partnerships / Co-creations

 What are some examples of programmes that empower the underserved 

communities / audiences?

4. Innovative strategies

 How can we bridge the gaps (between schools and museums, museums and 

audiences, etc.)?

 What are some innovative ways to engage various audiences?

5. Life-long learning

 How can museum spaces be used to promote life-long learning?

6. Museums as future classroom

 What do you envision the future of museum experience to look like?

 Impact of museum education? How has the use of technology impacted museum 


The awards categories include Research Award, Best Practice Award, Young members club, communications, publications and many more. 

The conference will be held exclusively on site. The presentations will be recorded and visible on YouTube.

Registration for attending the conference will be mandatory but free for ICOM members.


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