
Interpret Europe conferences attract up to 200 attendees from as many as 40 countries. Besides four keynote addresses in the plenary, 60-80 workshops and presentations are run over three days in parallel, in different strands. The call refers to these parallel sessions.


To foster peace and sustainability, UNESCO recently defined requirements for value-based heritage interpretation. Participation, co-creation and inclusion became buzz words, also in IE’s cooperation with UNESCO. But how can all those concepts be grounded in practice?

It is often claimed that we humans could draw on past experiences when seeking solutions for contemporary challenges or that we can learn from nature. But while interpretation can make natural and cultural heritage more relevant to people’s lives and engage them as whole beings, can it also increase their mindfulness towards global concerns? Can heritage interpretation finally turn landscapes into learning landscapes, inspiring both locals and visitors for handling crises and for noticeable regional transition towards a more sustainable future?

Presentations can be 15 or 45 minutes long, followed by ten minutes for exchange of views. We generally recommend keeping presentations as short and as inspiring as possible. Workshops can be 55 or 85 minutes long and must ensure active involvement of the participants.


Please submit an abstract of your presentation or interactive workshop by Wednesday 15 February 2023.


A dedicated Review Team will consider all paper abstracts and decide whether they are a sufficient basis for a workshop or presentation.


Conference proceedings will be published on the IE website from the day that the conference begins. They will have their own ISBN and include all full papers received by Friday 10 April 2023.

Delivering a full paper is not mandatory for giving a presentation or workshop. Either can also be based on the paper abstract. Paper abstracts are published as part of the proceedings.


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