Athar course announcement

Place: ICCROM-ATHAR Regional Conservation Centre in Sharjah, UAE

Course Partners

  • ICCROM, through its ICCROM-ATHAR Regional Conservation Centre in Sharjah, UAE
  • Government of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Background and Aims

In response to political upheavals and the subsequent need for emergency preparedness in the Arab region, ICCROM-ATHAR offers this course on “Risk Management of Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis.” It is designed for heritage and other relevant professionals in the Arab region, and provides tools that support risk management before, during, and after a crisis.

The course is based on the achievements, success and experiences acquired in a series of international courses on “First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis” developed by ICCROM since 2010, first with emphasis on conflict situations and then addressing other types of complex emergencies.

Why This Course?

New lessons are learned with each crisis or conflict situations that affect sites and artefacts of cultural significance. Risk management is a systematic process that helps organisations understand, evaluate, prioritize, and communicate risks prior to implementing actions, so as to minimise heritage loss, despite limited resources. Emergency response forms part of risk management.

Cultural heritage institutions need local and sustainable strategies that can empower communities. They must coordinate these strategies with the other sectors and actors working in emergencies, such as international humanitarian agencies, military, and police.

At the practical level, responders need to know basic measures for securing and stabilising damaged cultural heritage structures, as well as methods to salvage and stabilize museum collections.

At the human level, teamwork, leadership, and negotiation skills become essential if one is to be effective during the times of stress and chaos typical of complex emergencies.


After the course, participants will be invited to submit proposals for projects related to risk management at large, or more specifically to emergency response, in their home countries. The proposal may include training workshops. The goal is to share knowledge gained at the course with others, and to strengthen capacities for risk management of cultural heritage at regional and national levels.

Course Objectives and Expected Results

The main purpose of the course is to create effective emergency task force(s) for managing risks to cultural heritage recognized at the regional and/or national levels.

The course also primarily aims to develop participants’ knowledge and skills to address the following areas:

  • Disaster  risk management framework, applied to cultural heritage
  • Ethics and principles of conservation in a crisis situation
  • Emergency documentation for movable and immovable heritage
  • Damage assessment during emergencies
  • Salvage and stabilization of historic structures and cultural collections
  • Mediation, teamwork and negotiation skills
  • Integrating cultural heritage protection with international humanitarian aid actions
  • Linking emergency response to long-term recovery
  • Application of international legislation for the protection of cultural heritage in times of crises or emergencies

Course Structure

The training will include lectures addressing theory and principles along with practical sessions and hands-on exercises, and thus requires active participation. These will be in the form of group discussions, role playing, demonstrations and presentations, interactive lectures, site visits and case studies. Simulation of emergency situations throughout the course will enhance participants’ skills to work in teams, negotiate protection of cultural heritage and take appropriate action during a time of stress and chaos.

Teaching Team

A multi-disciplinary and international teaching team of professionals with a wide experience in the protection of cultural heritage during emergency situations, including humanitarian assistance, will lead the course programme.

Participants and Admission

The course is intended for 15 – 20 heritage professionals working in the Arab states, including archaeologists, architects, art historians, collections and site managers, conservators-restorers, conservation scientists, curators, directors of museums, gallery and archive professionals, etc. Other professionals from relevant fields are also encouraged to apply (e.g., humanitarian aid, military, police, NGOs). Admission to the course will be subject to selection criteria including:

  1. Professional background: at least a Bachelor degree in a relevant field of study.
  2. Letter of intent: candidates are requested to provide a letter stating clearly the reasons for applying to the course, what they hope to learn from it, and how it will benefit them and their institution, country, or future employer.
  3. Employment: priority is given to professionals affiliated with institutions working in relevant fields.
  4. Work experience: those who have already gained at least two years of practical or research experience in the field will have priority.

Working languages

The main working language will be in Arabic. Proficiency of English and/or French will be an asset, particularly to communicate with international teaching team and to be able to pursue research work and reading of reference materials.


Please use the application form available on this web site. Applications should be endorsed by the relevant ministry or entity in the candidate’s home country. The carefully completed forms should be sent to:

ICCROM-ATHAR Regional Conservation Centre in Sharjah, UAE

PO Box: 48777 Sharjah, UAE

Tel: +971 (0)6 555 2250; Fax: +971 (0)6 555 2213


 Financial Resources / Support

A request for financial support should be indicated in the application form. ICCROM-ATHAR will provide a few scholarships (subject to evaluation), to cover accommodation, meals and travel for the duration of the course.

Course Fees: 1200 US Dollars

Application Deadline: 28 August 2016

Please note that any applications received after this deadline will not be considered.