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When: 12-30 January 2015

Where: Sarawak Museum Department, Kuching, Malaysia



The CollAsia programme aims at conserving Heritage Collections in Southeast Asia, through conservation training and research activities to shape sound and sustainable conservation actions for the Asia-Pacific Region. The course objective is to enhance the preservation of moveable heritage, to encourage the well-informed use of materials and skills, helping those who care for moveable collections to make effective and wise choices in selecting materials for handling, packing, and transporting objects and collections. The course will integrate/encourage learning from both living cultural practices and scientific principles.


The purpose of this course is to improve scientific literacy and critical thinking skills among the diverse professionals caring for Southeast Asian heritage collections. It will focus on the scientific principles underlying the past and present systems, materials and work practices manufacture, use and conservation of collections. Participants will be encouraged to share the traditional collections conservation practices in their countries. The course will review, discuss and compare living cultural practices and current conservation principles and approaches relevant to the theme of the course and encourage further research into developing innovative solutions.


The intensive training activity will consist of lectures and interactive sessions, both in the classroom and around Sarawak, with practical exercises. The working language will be English.


The workshop will have up to 16 participants from Asia, with at least 3 years of hands-on experience with cultural heritage in museums or other contexts. The course team will consist of specialists from the ICCROM network and beyond.


Scholarships covering round-trip travel, accommodation and meals in Kuching during the workshop will be available.

To apply:

Please use the course application form and send it to collasia (at) iccrom (dot) org

Application deadline is 26 September 2014.